[18.05.2023] 0.8.69a weapon mod changes: https://www.diffchecker.com/bzuIEyZm increased respawn time by 0.5s deathdrops time out earlier (15s -> 10s) grenades have lower explosion force MP5 reduced ammo back to 25 M79 increased reload (3.0s -> 3.2s) reduced damage Minigun less weight; faster startup; more penetration (40% -> 80%); longer reload (4.8s -> 5.0s) RPG increased reload time (6.0s -> 7.5s) [13.05.2023] 0.8.69t fixed common position desync issue fixed various bugs related to hp removed problematic DisableFrontFlip and AutoReleaseGrenade options fixed too low max fps limit setting [31.03.2023] 0.8.68t reverted fixed common position desync issue reverted fixed victims last shot being invisible [29.03.2023] 0.8.67a fixed common position desync issue fixed victims last shot being invisible wm changes: rocketLauncher has lower kickback ("self-push") rocketLauncher has lower bullet force (impact when hitting other players) increased minimum dropkick ("headbutt") velocity in attempt to fix low-velocity player collision/bumping Steyr & Kalashnikov have a bit more bullet force map changes: ctf_atlantis - reworked background theme, slight layout adjustments ctf_busta - fixed a texture glitch ctf_campsite - changed protoshape’s type under the flag (from platform to item collide), slight layout adjustments ctf_crossfire - new low route, adjusted background, slight layout adjustments ctf_dogbite - removed lower gostek spawn point ctf_guardian - added items collide protoshape behind the flag in attempt to fix the flag getting stuck in the wall ctf_steel - fixed a visual glitch, improved medkit/grenadekit placement ctf_x - removed big boxes from the bridge ctf_wretch - changed shape on the spawn slightly for better movement flow, medkit/grenadekit placement changes ctf_rotten - added a deadly pit below the bridge (similar to S1) [24.02.2023] 0.8.65a hotfix fixed multiple recent UI issues [23.02.2023] 0.8.64a hotfix fixed no map and other issues on second map online updated map cycles with new maps lobby shows only dm maps for dm fixed null error on ctf_jungle [22.02.2023] 0.8.63a added dm_rift (Jok), dm_zero (proto), dm_solstice (challz), dm_lab (proto), dm_stratum (Jok), dm_gear (proto) added ctf_busta (challz), ctf_brutalist (challz), ctf_jungle (challz), ctf_basalt (proto) added ctf_anthill (proto), ctf_newbia (proto), ctf_spark (Vauat & Turko), ctf_huracan (darDar), ctf_hive (Jok) updated ctf_limbo by proto (better colors https://discord.com/channels/498800300199772162/844258244372856872/1069012038938013797) updated ctf_tyrus by darDar (layout changes https://discord.com/channels/498800300199772162/844258244372856872/1068543125670342806) updated ctf_lanubya (layout changes) updated ctf_x (removed big boxes from the bridge) updated ctf_ash (removed big boxes near the flag) updated ctf_dopamine by MM (better movement flow in mid route, improved spawn location, fixed flag spawn, some more details updated ctf_huracan by darDar (small layout changes) fixed spectator blocked on dead player fixed Domination not working fixed Input, TryGetComponent and other minor scripting issues added script Example02.cs showing how to read/write files fixed join url region case sensitive [10.02.2023] 0.8.62t side menu hides and is not responsive faster after key released fixed player match history error added compiling scripts... popup script docs updated (https://soldat2.com/docs) [06.02.2023] 0.8.61t Barrett ready sound improved (like in S1) added Barrett fire ready sound after reload clip fixed bink still there after picking up or changing weapon removed player left chat message when spectator leaves fixed match start affected by spectators count fixed radio commands interfering with mouse control added GameSettings.ShowRadioCommands to disable the display of radio commands fixed client changes to _default.json affecting multiplayer games weapon modifier changes (https://www.diffchecker.com/6mF7J5Ic/) [05.01.2023] 0.8.60a hotfix ranked: fixed end game screen ranked: fixed match history for DM ranked: fixed stats not updating when changing playlist fixed scoreboard ranks fixed scoreboard player profile click [03.01.2023] 0.8.60a Deathmatch, TeamDeathmatch timelimit 5min->4min Deathmatch minimum scorelimit 25->20 (but increases with more players) fixed scorelimit scale to keep minimum added ctf_dusk, ctf_atlantic, ctf_voland to CTF map pool replaced ctf_ash-bettermovement, ctf_snakebite2 as default added year/month/day timestamp to console logs fixed survival script issue in deathmatch [30.12.2022] 0.8.54t ctf_limbo updated fixed Career tab playlist UI issues Deathmatch timelimit 5min->4min Deathmatch minimum scorelimit 25->20 (but increases with more players) server: removed autoshutdown when ranked bot disconnected server: fixed exception when retrieving public IP added C# scripting added Climb simple scripting/gamemode example added year/month/day timestamp to console logs [12.10.2022] 0.8.53t fixed TDM issues when score limit set to 0 ranked: added global playlist selector in Career ranked: fixed match history ranked: added playlist name to Home rank ranked: fixed ranks in scoreboard [06.10.2022] 0.8.52t added test maps (ctf_ash-bettermovement, ctf_dusk, ctf_atlantis, ctf_voland, ctf_snakebite2) added dm_soldat by proto as default lobby map fixed jets trail teleport issue fixed /listmaps inconsistent response fixed adding duplicate modifiers with /addmodifier [21.09.2022] 0.8.51t added link to players stats.soldat2.com profile when clicked in scoreboard added map cycle for domination ranked: added tdm survival ranked: added 2,4 player knife-only ranked: added 2,3,5 player deathmatch removed scoreboard ranks main menu rank is last leaderboard playlist rank server: fixed rcon addmodifier [20.09.2022] 0.8.50t ranked: fixed current games ranked: fixed discord integration ranked: fixed end game results fixed flag glow not appearing if flag dropped in base [14.09.2022] 0.8.49t ranked: matches are now based on specific playlists ranked: removed popup before ranked ranked: darker filter dropdown colors fixed carried flag desync issue fixed players team not changing during loading/connecting weapon mod changes (https://www.diffchecker.com/Twp3SjZv) most weapons use leg/torso/head modifiers fixed Barret triple penetration lowered most weapon flag push forces most weapons have penetration fixed json logs spam fixed RGD5 network object logs spam [6.09.2022] 0.8.48t added working Survival for Domination fixed ending screen in CTF showing 0:0 when tied round fixed one team cheering when round tied deadly polygon outline color changed to black [31.08.2022] 0.8.47t added Survival modifier fixed announcer saying won/lost when spectating fixed bot trying to shoot with overheated minigun fixed RocketLauncher rocket damage tied to velocity new ExperimentalWeapons modifier for testing fixed spectator next/prev to dead [26.08.2022] 0.8.46a added hitmark when touched deadly polygon fixed gameplay settings not applied to reloaded modifiers minigun cools down when reloading fixed multiple hits sometimes when bullet penetrates [25.08.2022] 0.8.45a Barret bullet loses velocity after penetration Rheinmetall and Minigun bullets penetrate added Minigun overheating Minigun has more ammo and damage added Weapon hitbox damage modifiers added Weapon:BulletFlagForce separate from BulletForce added Weapon:Penetration value between 0 and 1 affecting bullet velocity after hit [24.08.2022] 0.8.44a added ctf_Division, dm_Emblem added Deadly polygon type added carried grenade on gostek belt added HeadbuttsOnly modifer grenade self boost direction tied to mouse aim fixed RPG not killing in one shot weapon modifier changes (https://pastebin.com/dzMd4nGj) all modifiers reload when returning to game window F2 toggles different debug views ranked: sorting based on lowerSkillEstimate instead of mu [08.07.2022] 0.8.43a fixed interface interfering with shooting removed mouse click for vote window removed ranked window expand button while playing added ranked window expand button only when in game menu (ESC) removed "joined spectators" chat message removed "joined server" chat messages for spectator fixed chat hiding when playing with lobby hidden lobby start button dissapears after pressing fixed caps/returns end game stats [30.06.2022] 0.8.42a updated: ctf_Tyrus, ctf_Campsite fixed spectator kicked after a minute fixed new player joining Red when teams equal and Red is winning fixed missing AutoShutdownAfterMatches in autoconfig.ini fixed janky Start and Randomize button in Lobby fixed spectator can start vote fixed spectator messing up map votes fixed votemap window not hiding if F* keys used fixed votemap fails if player joins during vote fixed spectators messing up FillBotsCount flag pickup box has a bit more horizontal size reverted to old mouse cursor behaviour on OSX/Linux server greet window can be closed with jets key (RMB) or Esc [22.06.2022] 0.8.40a fixed flag pickup bounds fixed bots not spawning if player not spawned fixed spectator cam losing target after target death fixed ranked window popping up when in different part of main menu ranked: fixed maxplayers reached when joining as spectator ranked: disabled specator menu button ranked: more eu servers better readability in welcome screen [17.06.2022] 0.8.39a ranked matches are joinable as spectator spectators can only talk to other spectators new early access notes welcome screen [15.06.2022] 0.8.38t Zone: fixed respawns Zone: larger minimumum space Zone: added variables to modifier fixed side menu staying when level changes fixed side menu staying when lobby shows announcer doesn't say "has the flag" when flags reversed Deathmatch time limit 5 mins [14.06.2022] 0.8.37t ranked: added clickable queues list ranked: added current games list joinable as spectator ranked: current games and queues update periodically player indicator scales better with giant better giant visual indicator fixed charge/health bars wrongly scaled on giant fixed spectator cam jumping to bottom left corner on free cam TeamDeathmatch base limit increased 30->50 tweaked flag logs in kill log [13.06.2022] 0.8.36t added Agar TeamUp Against Giant mode! (Deathmatch only) added max Kill Log Lines game settings removed show kill log (can set Kill Log Lines to 0) fixed kill log flag icons proportions added follow player in spectator added spectator info text added AgarMassScale variable to GostekMovement [10.06.2022] 0.8.35t added spectator mode fixed superman dash in deathmatch kill log: added flag lost, flag taken icons and flag returned icons kill log: added outline to icons kill log: new dash kill icon lobby: start button vanishes after clicking ctf_limbo improved (less verticality) dm_monument lighter background ranked: taskbar will blink if match is about to start (Windows only) fixed issues with Vote buttons not clickable fixed weapons menu and lobby mouse sensitivity different than in-game mouse fixed discrepancies between menu cursor position and in-game position [03.06.2022] 0.8.34a fixed FPS drop after a while fixed corpses staying for entire match fixed superman dash sound effects on teammates fixed flag pickup radius too small added VoiceLowerVolume to control volume during announcement or radio command fixed skin color yellow in deathmatch pitch gostek black color reserved [02.06.2022] 0.8.33t fixed newly joined player joining larger team issue autobalance starts working only if team score different fixed match history in reverse order fixed ragdolls freeze spawn protection is lost if fire pressed, throw or grenade button released if throw pressed during weapon change - throw is buffered removed Steyr laser sight fixed console errors smaller Dragunov, Minigun improved chainsaw, rheinmetall, spas colors golden Deagles fixed radio commands heard by other team [01.06.2022] 0.8.32t remade most gun colors, gun and hand positions for better visibility can always switch team in solo death drops timeout increased 8s->15s random drops float flag auto-return time increased to 25s added flag blink 5s before auto-return added TeamOutlines settings to disable outlines and show clothes team colors fixed dead player not turning into ragdoll sometimes on graphics 0 fixed team bullet bink fixed team hits counting into stats fixed team bullet hit animation fixed lobby not working when playing solo after online match spawn protection is lost if fire, throw or grenade button pressed flag optimizations chat optimizations animations optimizations ragdoll optimizations [27.05.2022] 0.8.31a ranked match window show region + queue size (instead of gamemode) smaller distant screen icons auto emotes hide on weapons menu fixed side menu breaking lobbu optimizations smaller flag pick/cap radius fixed voting issue if player left mid-vote update ctf_limbo updated patrons list [26.05.2022] 0.8.30t fixed infinite spas new player screen icon added player dead screen icon new flag carrier icon radio icon shown on player when radio talking added glow on flag in base movement: airforce 8->7 flag throw force: 15->14 ragdolls remain as long as player is dead can radio/emote when dead radio/emotes don't show on muted player added switch chat channel key help text announcer: fixed overlaps announcer: fixed loops announcer: fixed too frequent same messages fixed radio messages overlaps fixed enourmous medkit in deathmatch fixed important sounds missing sometimes team outline on top of black outline fixed no respawn and no colors issue [25.05.2022] 0.8.29t added ctf_limbo (by proto) team outlines always on + lifted color restrictions (except other team color) grenade: slower throw + cook time increased 2.5s->3.5s added team colored grenades with outlines thicker grenade and knife trail added more detail on flag texture movement: airforce 6->8 weapon is ready fire after reloading screen icons size based on distance reversed new flag carrier screen icon menu: added button for external stats (stats.soldat2.com) fixed announcer/radio volumes [24.05.2022] 0.8.28t added better outlines for everything added TeamOutlines game setting dead player has no outline dead player has even more desaturated colors grenade has larger outline only free flag shows on screen border icon flag carrier added as screen border icon (placeholder icon) player screen icon changes to radio if radio command playing announcer volume down if radio command separated voice volume into announcer and radio volume announcer voice quiets down during radio command less priority for lead/left announcments [20.05.2022] 0.8.27t new radio command voice added HUD direction arrow when match starts fixed flag cant be picked or capped issue fixed HUD direction arrow when ReverseFlags modifier on fixed announcer saying flag lost too close to base added announcer/radio voices volume to sound settings removed double kill announcer fixed announcer saying teams tied in Domination fixed clicking on radio button double send command [19.05.2022] 0.8.26t added flag lost announcer sound announcer: "has the flag" instead of "captured the flag" game sounds are quieter when announcer speaks added ShowDirectionArrows HUD settings HUD: direction arrows won't show with HUDLevel lesser than 3 HUD: HUDLevel 0,1 hides ammo/health fixed grenade throw animation cancelled when hit chat: added Tab key for switching to team chat (instead of Y key) chat: input is transparent chat: added team/all chat indicator chat: fixed carret position when no text typed fixed coutndown sounds sync added radio commands, radio keys and emoticon keys to settings bots change path faster if too hard fixed bots sometimes irrational jumping [18.05.2022] 0.8.25t added team chat (Y key) added radio commands (G key) player names in chat are team colored if game window out of focus chat/away icon appears on player emoticons menu can be used by tapping V instead of holding fixed player moving while holding emotes key gostek doesn't stop movement when side menu open key pressed side menu doesn't disappear when weapons show added ctf_guardian to ranked map pool screen icons scale with distance added Announcer on/off to sound settings added CountdownPeeps on/off to sound settings added different end countdown peep sound fixed peep sounds sync with clock new announcer voice added time remaining announcer sounds added team leads/tie announcer sounds added win/tie announcer sounds added flags left announcer sound added flag cap/return/taken anouncer sounds added double/triple/...kill announcer sounds added taken/lost lead announcer sounds added shorter sounds when flag grabbed/returned outside base "flag captured" notification renamed to "team scores" "won" renamed to "wins" fixed "returned by" log message fixed Deathmatch showing win when tied for win fixed very large medkits [12.05.2022] 0.8.24a added map: ctf_guardian new rank icons ranked: added rank icons to scoreboard ranked: added rank images to leaderboard ranked: added wins/ties/losses to leaderboard ranked: top ratings fixed (based on mu not lowerskillestimate) ranked: end game shows new rank tier instead of numerical value ranked: added current games display in menu ranked: added waiting players count display in menu added votekick to lobby added mute option to scoreboard added player profile option to scoreboard added OneShots modifier if FamilyFilter on chat uses Steam Chat Filtering player nicks in chat use FamilyFilter help keys hide automatically after some time help text doesn't show on lobby updated credits and Patrons list ranked: tweaked regions dropdown list appearance ranked: better disconnection/kick handling fixed client autobalance changing team sometimes removed weapon BulletDrop* setting fixed Barrett not killing sometimes with 1 shot fixed game with Zone modifier ending immediately fixed TimeLimit 0 ending immediately fixed Knife/Chainsaw in RealisticDamage modifier fixed retry attempt after pressing back on password query a bit more powerful flag throw fixed flag returned message+effect not showing if flag close to base fixed flag stopping in air after bullet hit from some guns fixed platform not showing on some maps if backgrounds off editor: fixed some elements becoming unclickable [30.04.2022] 0.8.19a added gamemode and modifiers in next map loading screen default solo lobby map is ctf_laos fixed chat moving towards right each match quieter Agar sounds [29.04.2022] 0.8.18t added F keys for voting or closing vote more net stability ctf_dopamine: improvements weapons: changes fixed error on flag cap [28.04.2022] 0.8.17t added ctf_dopamine, ctf_tyrus rehauled low-level network code: fixed disconnects/ghost players issues better ping times much more stable handling of lousy connections crouching/prone decreases gun spray by half removed teammate superman dash collision increased change weapon time slightly movement spray is affected by player speed not just by movement keys added 20 sec remaining sound countdown voting tries not to pick maps that were in vote previously ranked: fixed bot disconnection issues ranked: fixed rejoin button fixed rich presence joining local server fixed lobby tooltip staying after map change issue fixed autobalance threshold on join 2->1 fixed bullets showing in HUD when ammo unlimited public CTF match 8 mins -> 10 mins fixed selfkill adding kill to score ping in scoreboard and servers list is now "latency" not roundtrip scoreboard: fixed too narrow ping text Agar modifier: a bit less damage resistant giant Space modifier: less speedy SniperOnly modifier: added grenades server: retries on port blocked instead of shutdown server: retries websocket port blocked server: added duplicate name check server: fixed GameServer.AdminPlayfabId fixed disconnect when joining a finished CTF match ctf_ash: added gap in middle passage weapons: various changes [23.04.2022] 0.8.13a fixed chat fixed quick join [23.04.2022] 0.8.11a fixed no cap flag issue after flag carrier disconnected fixed Quick Join connecting to passworded servers can hide weapons menu quicker ctf_lanubya: better middle bridge ctf_dogbite: longer upper path CTF: reduced spawn time by 0.5s Domination: fixed not ending Domination: better flag icon blinking added proper error message if gatherbot down server: fixed set netdebug not working server: shuts down if port blocked server: fixed bot error spam ranked: various fixes [21.04.2022] 0.8.6a added ctf_steel, ctf_lanubya, ctf_x removed camera lock on death removed spectator cam after weapons menu RPG: guided if Fire pressed; increased damage RocketLauncher: removed bink M79: lower velocity volume down on all interface and gamemode sounds fixed blinking flag icons before match starts faster flag icon blink ranked: fixed sometimes error "game not found" on end results ranked: fixed send leave game and cancel search ranked: fixed reconnecting to server after pressing Find Match ranked: queue options are saved ranked: clicking Find Match on different queue (while in queue) requeues ranked: returning from game returns back to ranked window DM/TDM: higher scorelimit DM/TDM: added warmup in solo increased voting time limit 10s->15s added error popup if Steam fails to load fixed Discord widget showing bots on server fixed tiny mini medkits fixed FogOfWar flipped screen issue voted map takes gamemode and modifier from cycle file Zone modifier makes ScoreLimit 0 ctf_dogbite: tweak upper path ctf_ash: tweaked colors server: autoshutdown after 12 hours (autoconfig.ini AutoShutdownAfterHours) server: added net/mem stats without netdebug [18.04.2022] 0.8.5a fixed various voting issues ranked: fixed various issues fixed DC if vote arrived too late medkit size is dependent on heal amount added option to reconnect to Steam if failed to auth map background with DetailedBackgrounds off is fog color added white outline to self kill logs Agar giant is more resistant Agar pickup gives 15HP Spas: a bit slower bullet velocity Steyr: 25->30 bullets Ak: 30->35 bullets Dragunov: a bit less bink Deagles: a bit slower fire interval CTF: 0.5s less respawn time CTF: drop medkits are 33HP; random medkits are 50HP CTF: score flag icon shows if flag gone (s1-style) CTF: flag gone icon blinks DM/TDM score limit raised a bit fixed Discord widget showing bots on server client: fixed flag not returned when capped issue server: autoshutdown after 75 games official server max players = 12 [15.04.2022] 0.8.4a ranked: a bit longer end results ranked: added match identifier to UI ranked: fixed history not showing ties ranked: fixed end game not showing tie ctf: death drop medkits reduced to 50HP kill log: a bit darker background on killed server: removed autoshutdown removed matchmaking logs spam increased mouse scroll sensitivity change weapon with mouse scroll works up or down fixed Steam icon on mac/linux [14.04.2022] 0.8.3a added ctf_rotten, ctf_ash fixed map voting DM/TDM is classic by default (Arena modifier separate) CTF/TDM: shorter respawns when lots of players CTF: less random pickups ctf_wretch: fixed visual glitch in background ctf_dogbite: better flag area Dragunov: tiny bit stronger Barrett: longer reload MP5: ammo 30->25, more selfbink fixed flag return sound not playing issue removed dm_arena_classic, dm_rotten_classic ranked: added ctf_ash, ctf_rotten ranked: removed ctf_laos ranked: added South America region [13.04.2022] 0.8.2a fixed random infinite map reloading on server [13.04.2022] 0.8.1a added ctf_rotten_classic fixed not spawning on respawn on match start movement: a bit more superman jet force and faster recharge removed test maps removed ClassicMovement modifier Space modifier: fixed jets direction forces and speeds, removed air drag added GostekMovement.MaxVelocityHorCoef for controlling vertical max speed ctf_hormone: removed ladders Deagles: removed bink Dragunov: bullet gravity 1.5->1.2 Spas: less kickback forced chest and thighs team color removed forced team color sleeves fixed "Clamping value" log warning ranked: added ctf_rotten_classic, ctf_campsite; removed dom_silo ranked: ctf_hormone uses ReverseFlags modifier ranked: increased end results time ranked: cap limit 5; time limit 5 [12.04.2022] 0.8.0t ctf_crossfire: remade flag area ctf_snakebite: larger gap near flag fixed flag dissapearing with dead or kicked player issues weapons: faster RPG rocket weapons: less bink on Dragunov and Barrett weapons: more bink on M79 and Deagles weapons: less default spray overall weapons: less mass add for minigun weapons: RocketLauncher bit faster reload weapons: added WeaponSprayScale global setting bigger cursor from bink optimized unfocused appication CPU usage added popup message if older version than the latest ranked: fixed "did not find game with start time 0" error ranked: fixed disconnected state when returning to menu while in queue ranked: proper unqueue if kicked from server ranked: quicker kick from end game [11.04.2022] 0.7.230t added AutoReleaseGrenade option in settings no dropkick if superman + chainsaw RPG rocket increased speed only if not guided increased UltraTactical modifier crouch and roll force weapons menu only hides if [B] pressed when menu open added audio key for hiding weapons menu chat doesn't dissapear but moves when emotes show sharper hand emotes graphics dom_stronghold: added below bridge ladder RPG removed from primaries in ClassicDeathmatch modifier faster respawns by 1 sec in all modes forced team color pants removed vest from player customizations fixed self-bink not working bigger cursor from binks no bink on autos larger superman dash damage added ranked matches info popup [08.04.2022] 0.7.229t added ClassicDeathmatch modifier fixed rocketlauncher reload lower deagles spray tweaked crouch force, jump force and flip force fixed news not visible after returning to main menu fixed null error in editor [07.04.2022] 0.7.228t added maps for testing: ctf_campsite by proto, ctf_cave, dm_blox2, dm_island by Snail better ctf_crossfire better flag visuals weapons: a bit less Spas12 kickback weapons: Deagles are faster but have more spread weapons: Minigun has more damage movement: more jets / faster recharge movement: tweaked superman forces movement: a bit slower movement hard roll only if crouch + no movement pressed before landing smoothened flag rotations fixed flag throw origin offset fixed mouse wheel issue tweaked platform positions in ctf_snakebite jets bar is purple added DisableFrontFlip setting tweaked ExperimentalWeapons ranked: fixed 'Minimize' button [05.04.2022] 0.7.227t fixed RPG Rocket sync issues fixed servers list showing older server versions fixed floating knife not dissapearing issue fixed floating grenade not dissapearing issue fixed bots not picking up weapon pickups issue unified emoticons colors fixed emoticon borders glitch fixed weapon ammo count not synced fixed weapon crate alignement fixed confusing team color skin fixed confusing team colors thresholds boot colors are team colors if too much skin color tweaked rocket smoke fixed rocket and M79 smoke dissapearing too early ranked: fixed top of ranked window changing cursor ranked: added loading icon when waiting in queue fixed server netdebug log spam issue [04.04.2022] 0.7.226t Barrett bullet penetrates gosteks a bit faster default movement forces but slower max speed superman slower downwards faster upwards added JetDownwardsModifier better run air animation bigger explosion force on rocket and RPG larger explosion force scale on flag fixed StartLoaded and AmmoCount not working with modifier weapon crates are one size DM/TDM less random pickups on mirrored maps ExperimentalWeapons modifier: unlimited ammo but longer reload times fixed knife and chainsaw in ExperimentalWeapons modifier [01.04.2022] 0.7.225t Team/Deathmatch has Arena modifier built-in slightly slower default movement added ClassicMovement modifier added RailgunBarrett modifier added ExperimentalWeapons modifier (higher damage; no bink; no movement spray; limited ammo) SlowMovement renamed to ExperimentalMovement faster superman slide nade and M79: less explosion forces TDM near team spawning weapons menu only shows secondary weapons if primary unavailable max 2 pickup clips more frequent medkit/ammo/weapons spawns help key changed to H fixed only 1 ammo in picked up weapon added items spawn effect added weapon crates for spawn weapons guided rocket accelerates in time tweaked guided rocket turn speeds flag doesnt stick so much to base added more global scale parameters to GameplaySettings (MovementSprayScale and Bink) fixed Reload help showing when no ammo clips quieter Steyr fire sounds if nick smaller than 3 chars "_" is added instead of numbers fixed DeathDrops and RandomDrops duplicates because of modifiers Rheinmetal ammo 50->40 Kalashnikov ammo 40->30 Deagles slightly faster fire interval ranked: fixed player names not updated after name change in menu ranked: Match.ScoreLimit 3 / Match.MatchSecs 480 ranked: fixed joining from solo game ui: fixed vote items counter alignment ui: a bit smaller chat item height [30.03.2022] 0.7.222t added bullets collide with flag new emoticons emoticons stay longer emoticon menu dissapears on weapons menu lifted emoticon spam limit larger chat fonts RPG is slightly larger RPG starts loaded fixed RPG rocket slowing down after weapon change fixed Arena modifier M79 with no ammo added Arena modifier bots seek weapon fixed Space modifier gostek not turning to ragdoll sometimes fixed sniper line no fade out near gostek better aim down animation bend better aim angle when running fixed weapon menu showing when spawned on weapon faster turning into ragdoll after death fixed ragdoll mass fixed emote menu hiding if clicked accidentally fixed all black gosteks after losing hat during spawn protection more damage needed to drop hat fixed cursor changing colors issue default bot difficulty is easiest better player name validation fixed empty player names ranked: fixed teams balancing issue ranked: removed arrows from rank change in end screen [25.03.2022] 0.7.221t added RPG guided missile to secondaries better random drops respawning system Space modifier has unlimited jets SlowMovement modifier changed to "Haste & Snail" version weapon clip in sound timed better to end of reloading better left hand position when holding Deagles more details on gostek texture higher sound distance roll off Makarov slightly less damage gostek: max velocity 23->21 gostek: harder max velocity limit respawn times increased by ~1 sec removed cursor dissapearing on reload removed cursor reload secs display added cursor color setting added cursor outline and outline settings fixed console error with patrons download [21.03.2022] 0.7.220t better Arena modifier added LimitedAmmo modifier added Space modifier added ammo packs added medkit, grenades and weapons respawns remade spawns in all maps team deathmatch respawns are separated into blue left/red right deathmatch uses map respawn points larger dm_arena better dom_stronghold dom_silo/dom_stronghold easier building colliders increased punch distance better grenade model new grenade pack and medkit models bots pickup weapons if they have secondaries fixed items spawning on top of each other fixed bots not punching removed redundant modifiers fixed ctf_crossfire bridge color added rotation animation to floating pickups editor: changed basecamp icon to flag editor: fixed respawn icons alignment [18.03.2022] 0.7.219t added Rocket Launcher added Arena modifier (weapon pickups; only 3 clip; no startup times) removed Flak Cannon from default modes "change weapon" key cancels knife/weapon/flag throw added new distinct M79 explosion sound new grenade explosion sounds remade ctf_dogbite fixed ctf_hormone clouds on when no backgrounds better ctf_wretch backgrounds and colors Rheinmetall less bink, more damage Spas12, Minigun - slightly lower bullet forces Ruger slower, more damage fixed ammo HUD showing when no weapon added ammo clip count to weapons (test) fixed bots shooting when no line of fire fixed bots not using melee weapons fixed issue with gostek remaining black after spawn higher sound distance roll off server: better patcher logging fixed connecting to domain issue [15.03.2022] 0.7.218t ranked: bot fixes (added better timeouts, fixed dangling players) ranked: fixed error on end results when first match ranked: fixed errors when quitting ranked match in game ranked: fixed reconnect asking for password [14.03.2022] 0.7.217t fixed connecting to domain name error on some machines jets smoke puffs only if jets off less jets smoke puffs fixed "Latest matches" showing in home screen if no matches played fixed default values in options sliders not having empty input fields ranked: fixed window position after resolution change ranked: not sending status update during connection ranked: fixed end screen rank label colored and with arrow ranked: fixed end results not showing issue [09.03.2022] 0.7.216t only Fire disables spawn protection fixed menu cursor hotspot fixed menu cursor ginormous issue moved ctf_laos towers to background set GamesCycleFile will only restart server if setting different added Lobby config vars MinimumPlayersToStart, PercentOfPlayersToReady, HalfReadySecs fixed server hanging issue when loading map matchmaking queue can expand fixed issue when Loading... map popup stays forever [07.03.2022] 0.7.214t added spawn protection accelerated flicker near end added spawn protection black gostek added spawn protection hit sound bit nicer spawn protection graphic less reverb on kalash/rheinmetall fire revert to old nickname if failed to get steam login optimized dedicated server map load time optimized dedicated server RAM usage (140MB less) reduced overall RAM usage reduced chainsaw polycount fixed clicking on top of options hiding options moved back button in options to lower right better aliasing on cursor fixed playfab login errors opening console ui: better home screen alignments fixed console errors after returning from game when kicked ranked: can rejoin quickly if quit or disconnected by pressing Find Match ranked: fixed end screen erroring if new player ranked: fixed not returning to menu issue ranked: renamed Quit to Cancel ranked: fixed everyone kicked if someone exits to menu ranked: fixed end screen showing "wait for..." if end results [04.03.2022] 0.7.211t new bigger stylized cursor back Deagle is darker added jets on ground effect slightly louder gostek hit sound, ricochet, climb ladder fixed ratings leaderboards not sorted fixed rating tiers display issue tweaked rating icons colors fixed history showing rounds instead of matches Playfab login: nickname retrieved from PlayFab [03.03.2022] 0.7.210t ranked: added players in queue counter ranked: UI improvements increased punch distance increased knife melee distance fixed Barret shooting fixed modifier values below 0.001 not saving fixed ranked match join when not in main menu join retry attempts to find different port lobby map in solo is dm_arena now pateron page opens in desktop browser not Steam browser fixed mini scrape sound played when fall on ground louder scrape sound less velocity needed for fall sound better louder punch sound [02.03.2022] 0.7.207t ladder only triggers if up/down pressed fixed Barrett shooting before charge bar full fixed Barrett not killing sometimes added auto server join reconnection attempts added popup to reconnect if failed to connect Barrett movement spray instead of cursorbink; more reload time Kalashnikov slightly less spray MP5 slightly less spray and bink Spas12 slightly less kickback, ammo 6->7 Minigun more damage, slightly more kickback fixed kick message duration time added Ban [id] command added kicks and bans for a duration of time fixed banned duration message when joining and banned fixed time limited voting [01.03.2022] 0.7.205t updated intro logo and animation new application icon fixed issue when client left hanging on server connection more intense jets flame light jet flame is more jet color new ctf_crossfire colors and fixed textures ranked: fixed error message dissapearing before read ranked: added no empty servers message ranked: clicking Find again will ask for quitting current queue ranked: tweaked UI faster end game if few players added 10s time limit for server initiated map votes fixed chat hiding in lobby changed level load console msg to 'Level loaded for [nick] id [id]' changed console msg `Autobalance: joined team ` added command Kick [id] "reason" added command KickAll "reason" [25.02.2022] 0.7.204t smoother net sync can trigger reload during roll faster air run animation removed superman key spam prevention a lot more drag when prone on ground less ragdoll death impact force fixed Steyr AUG scale fixed Steyr, Makarov fire too loud less reverb on AK, Rheinmetall, Dragunov, Spas, DEagles fire sounds emotes appear a bit later after death fixed and improved backgrounds on dom_stronghold fixed buttons angle in input window and popups tweaked matchmaking window colors fixed matchmaking not ending if kicked from server fixed matchmaking probabilities % formatting can't cancel vote in matchmaking renamed 2021 in music titles to 2022 removed cursorbink from Barrett fixed vote map window click issue fixed avatar issue in lobby [23.02.2022] 0.7.203t added slight push when going into slide from running (supermanSlideForce) added superman key spam prevention more jet fuel editor default map colors tweaked removed trusses from ctf_cobra fixed fade colors on most maps [22.02.2022] 0.7.202t fixed jump from prone angle and force removed delay before jump from prone fixed too strong M79 blast boost optimized gostek hits performance tweaked maps and objects lighting remade ctf_cobra colors tweaked rays on dm_rogue [22.02.2022] 0.7.201t dash effect indicates highest velocity backflip forces reverted less roll force faster sandbag hit effect slightly less max velocity fixed wall jump + stronger added delay before jump when standing from prone (s1-like) tweaked polygons bottom ambient color [22.02.2022] 0.7.200t Tec-9 replaced with Steyr AUG remade colors on dom_stronghold, ctf_cobra, ctf_hormone, ctf_dogbite better ambient lighting color and intensity higher angle for what is considered a walljump flatter lighting on backgrounds (no ambient light) more intense light on objects and gosteks walljump is the same force as sidejump added animation to vertical wall jump up bit more prone2roll force rolling uses GostekMovement.RollingDrag rolling: slightly slower, slightly more force, less air force more flip force slightly more jets force fixed no air drag when superman and no jets faster dissapearing smoke on automatic gun muzzles game menu with bigger buttons game menu back in different position better matching simulated hair color fixed health bar flickering red/black added Restart match button to game menu fixed empty servers list after returning to main menu cursorBink is separated from movement fixed ReverseFlags modifier in solo (mp not working still) fixed ragdoll fly direction from Barret/Flak hit added more blood to flying limbs added reload sound on on main menu logo away added sound for FlakCannon start fire stronger weapon icon outlines lowered minigun spinning sound volume smoother cigar smoke transition more explosion effect elements are in foreground fixed weapons texts in weapon menu not appearing on some resolutions emotes after death appear on ragdoll [21.02.2022] 0.7.199t fixed jets not working when flipping without keys more flip force slightly stronger max velocity cap slightly higher slope start boost categorized game and graphic settings added cursor health bar (CursorHealth setting) cursor pings only with Debug=true added GraphicSettings.ForceBackgroundColor setting added healthbar red background thinner player bars brighter overhealth on health bar smaller capture effect capture effect won't appear near base optimized gostek death performance emote menu after death hides if emote picked fixed particle limit too low added GraphicSettings.ParticleLimitScale setting less bullet hit and explosion rock particles shorter life time of most particles added outlines to vector and color label setting [18.02.2022] 0.7.198t added dm_arena_classic merged darDar weapons mod back/front flip improvements front flip is the same as backflip added flip variables (BackFlipSlowdown, FrontFlipSlowdown, FrontFlipForce) fixed flip not consuming jets fixed s1/s2 jump angle discrepancy (https://youtu.be/X61ZIz6cERY) soft limit for max velocity (harder to achieve but not capped) fixed jumping from roll inconsistency (removed RollJumpFactor) fixed hardroll sometimes happening when rolling up ramp fixed jumping off ceilings removed big roll force from prone fixed glide jump behaviour (https://youtu.be/K6LdW91s7JA) less jets ground push up much smaller jets opposite direction force multiplier a bit more jets jets recharge faster on ground added 'late roll' can switch to secondary to go faster (massAdd only affects gun in hands) more impactful death on explosion hit added slight cursor shadow for better visiblity more spectacular cap effect fixed Agar color tweaked some muzzle flashes [17.02.2022] 0.7.197t new master server working added scope sound shortly after clicking Barrett added modifiers list to scoreboard fixed social media buttons not working in menu fixed Esc not working with tutorial video fixed SlowMovement and UltraTactical modifiers gostek forces tweaked blood looks added CursorBink settings to weapons Alt key required for console ([ALT]+[HOME] or [ALT]+[~]) fixed server patcher failing if new file added [16.02.2022] 0.7.195t smoother particle visuals weapons menu smaller and more transparent emotes: moved emotes menu to the left emotes: fixed v emote key when chat closes chat emotes: emote menu won't close on weapons menu show emotes: emote menu hides on lobby and end screen emotes: shortened emotes list to 10 elements emotes: fixed emote key when dead not working tweaked and optimized weapon muzzle effects better Mp5, Deagles, Tec-9 and Makarov muzzle effect fixed muzzle flash on some weapons added more recoil animation on Deagles removed weird outlines on some weapons better hand placement on Flak Cannon explosion effect is snappier additional particle effects on jets recoded servers list backend WIP servers list gamemode/map shows "LOBBY" if server in lobby renamed level to map in servers list fixed servers list not refreshed after returning to menu longer chat hide time tweaked sniper line start and end position better run air animation lobby: removed highlight change color on vote items lobby: larger 'hide lobby' button fixed teams always randomized in solo added autobalance loop prevention dom_stronghold WIP added left shift for faster and left control for slower spectator ctf_cobra fixes and colors change smaller health hit marker cursor dissapears on death fixed dust from grenade hitting ground misplaced [11.02.2022] 0.7.194t new vertical emote menu emotes shortcut is V + 1,2,3... (instead of LeftAlt) fixed LeftAlt not bindable only 5 emotes in 3 secs allowed added emote out animation emote icons cleanup less dash effect particles flag grab/return sound as before fixed run back in air animation pausing fixed speeding up with jet on ceiling fixed walking on walls fixed ceiling slowing roll down significantly rolling up ramp too strong fixed minigun making you heavier added darDar Weapons mod for testing [10.02.2022] 0.7.193t new emotes jets key [RMB] hides emote menu emote menu cursor is less sensitive emote stays in death place after death emote stays longer after death quicker map fade in added new free fall animation [09.02.2022] 0.7.192t better glide jump better side jump/kick jump new superman animations new jetting animations straighter jet flame angle fixed weird animation when holding jump/jets less friction on slide gostek jetsUsage 0.014 -> 0.011 faster and a bit smaller explosion animation less debree particles on explosion shorter dom round start sound flag grabbed/returned sound played on flag not globally flag grabbed sound played only if flag grabbed from base flag returned sound played only if flag far from base added new sound if team flag captured fixed error in lobby (loadavatar) lobby: renamed 'ready' to 'start' fixed end screen always showing 'it's a tie' renamed Soldier prefab to Gostek [08.02.2022] 0.7.191t randomized Spas bullets trajectory better bink handling better cursor bink indication fixed bink and movementspray cursor indication on Barrett fixed beard color not affected by hair color fixed some hair styles darker fixed calf and thighs color ui: added tutorials and discord button to exit screen ui: fixed redundant container in stats MacOS: fixed missing test signature on version number MacOS: fixed solo load rules error [07.02.2022] 0.7.190t if server uses lobby 'Vote Map' will show vote for ending match lobby: ready button blinks if all voted and not pressed fixed lobby showing up after loadmap command fixed knife self kill fixed knife going thru 'sandbags' end screen: fixed DM showing won player when it's a tie fixed elastic scrolling in end screen and greet screen dm/tdm is always 5 minutes better dm/tdm score limit scaling (based on player count) lobby: fixed avatars blinking bullet trail starts a bit sooner ui: fixed unranked icon not showing in home screen ui: news not centered if not logged in ui: added exit button in exit screen ui: lobby: "level" renamed to "map" [04.02.2022] 0.7.189t added dm_foggycave, dm_snow by nheve; ctf_guardian2ac by darDar (test) fixed knife killing self modifiers are reloaded when lobby starts (solo) fixed revert to old controls error when upgrading from very old version autoconfig.ini and client.json will be reset fixed version number in bottom right corner [03.02.2022] 0.7.188t better kickjump added upwards roll disabled shooting when rolling tweaked grenade speed and bounciness removed throw arc from knife (like s1) greater explosion push force when on ground tweaked grenade and m79 explosion forces (like s1) fixed jumping on ceilings added backwards air run animation slower air run animation fixed side jump animation stuck jump and roll effects off if DecorativeParticles off added emotes menu on death (config ShowEmotesOnDeath) added "[V] Emotes" help text after death (ShowEmotesOnDeath off) better emote menu selector sensitivity and precision fixed ctf_silo->dom_silo in cycle_ctf net: fixed nade cook time explosion misaligned net: fixed spawning right before warmup ends net: fixed spawn protection not dissapearing after fire fixed spawn protection not cancelled if fire held before respawn better superman dash speed effect lobby: half ready voting time increase 25s -> 30s hit damage texts increase same one instead of stacking added hit damage text color (green to red) fixed hit damage text behind bloods removed HitMarksRelative options (always relative) fixed self kill with grenade on collision fixed excessive laggy player movement [02.02.2022] 0.7.187t internal engine FPS changed from 50 to 60 remade movement forces fixed shooting with head in ceiling (bit taller gostek collider) improved air run animation added wall jump effect and sound added dust effect on rolls, jumps and wall jumps added sudden stop scrape effect added debug info (speed, pos etc. "set Debug = true") cleaned up gostek movement config variables fixed not being able to emote after death [01.02.2022] 0.7.185t fixed side jump key not jumping sometimes when moving fast adjusted jump forces and timing (more like s1) no air move while holding jump (more like s1) better gostek surface rotation prediction (less rotomovement) shorter gostek collider (like s1) better jump animations added run in air animation netcode improvements removed bullet extrapolation added scrape effect on roll or wall jump less smoke from cigar and chainsaw fixed chainsaw smoke on graphics level < 1 fixed nade and shells weird color farther vertical aim screen distance (aimScreenScale.y 1.2 -> 1.9) UltraTactical less aim screen distance (aimScreenScale 0.6 -> 0.1) [31.01.2022] 0.7.184t testing different objects network sync farther aim screen distance (aimScreenScale 0.6 -> 1.2) gostek maxVelocity 26.5 -> 24 gostek jetsUsage 0.01 -> 0.014 gostek jetsRechargeMultiply 2.0 -> 0.5 gostek jetsSupermanForce 22 -> 21 [28.01.2022] 0.7.183t CTF score limit 5; time limit 8 mins fixed top barrier size lobby: rearranged elements lobby: added randomize teams vote fixed server stat upload errors fixed no blood from melee/dash hits enforced Steam display name on game start fixed tutorial video not loading added dim behind chat for better visibility fixed "[B] show weapons" changing cursor on hover fixed agar colorizing weapons blue [27.01.2022] 0.7.181t added Unlimited Jets modifier performance optimization (bullets) ctf_silo renamed to dom_silo end screen: stats appear with player end screen: will dissapear after clicking if lobby starts net: fixed bullets not appearing if shot close net: better bullet hit/miss prediction when standing lobby: voted items sort to top lobby: maps from other gamemodes allowed (if compatible) lobby: fixed incompatible map picked if higher voted than won gamemode lobby: half ready time increased from 15 to 25s lobby: status text and vote count colors same yellow lobby: fixed issue causing steam avatars not being loaded lobby: fixed bot difficulty slider not working at some resolutions lobby: stretches vertically with resolution clicking on Vote window outside of buttons will close without vote vote window will close if lobby starts "Match started!" changed to "FIGHT!" in dom and tdm fixed match ending prematurely if all quit during end screen autobalance winning team score increased from 1 to 2 above fixed spawn issue when packet dropped fixed spawning without weapon issue [26.01.2022] 0.7.180t performance optimizations (screen icons, interfaces, hitboxes) performance optimizations (spawning, model variations, animations, waypointing) fixed config updater error black background in roadmap end screen: more dense player entries end screen: color fixes end screen: fixed scrolling end screen: fixed size between 16:9 and 21:9 end screen: faster entries appearance with large player count fixed server greet window unrestricted scroll fixed addbot limited to maxplayers - 1 thinner explosion sparks fixed map fade color not affected by bright/sat settings weapons menu text highlight yellow [25.01.2022] 0.7.179t if no gamemode or level chosen in lobby random is loaded fixed knife dissapearing on explosion better knife explosion forces fixed knife ceiling stick angle better knife sticking to body fixed head during "throw ready" animation fixed sounds off when in spectator added outline to player indicator player indicator color less harsh fixed long names not fitting in end screen fixed old modifiers texts remaining in greet screen HUD notifier text is yellow updated menu map background color fixed bald/hair spots on hat and helmet fixed bandana not visible with hair limited high bound of HUD and Status Scale fixed end screen covering lobby fixed greet screen scrolled off on start fixed bots following team flag carrier [24.01.2022] 0.7.178t added "throw ready" knife animation added "throw ready" weapon and flag animation added draw knife sound added team colored player indicator fixed years in roadmap fixed dash effect staying after death fixed console error when sounds off and sliding fixed Domination requiring 4 players to spawn flags fixed charge bar stuck at 100% when picking up weapons fixed M79 bullet stuck in air after hitting fixed HUD direction arrow after respawn in CTF fixed knife sliding [21.01.2022] 0.7.177t added sliding (hold Superman on ground) added sound effect for scraping the ground added high velocity collision effects added custom map fade colors 50% ready in lobby required after 15 secs (if more than 2 players) fixed gamemodes not starting if less than 2 players (lobby) nextmap shows lobby if using lobby fixed lobby not showing after next map if lobby hidden before added tutorial video in menu (test) fixed superman twerking animation after wall jump fixed left hand jerking when moving fast fixed joining matchmaking game from invite or rich presence fixed health bars appearing despite HealthBars option off fixed Steam avatar not appearing sometimes less max zoom randomized jet sound more improved map outlines ctf_crossfire fixes and improvements added ShowSpawnProtection option fixed head nod while jetting improved superman feet animation fixed running animation glitch when rolling left [20.01.2022] 0.7.176t bot with enemy flag will always try to move toward team flag fixed bot shooting flak cannon if enemy behind wall fixed bot waypoints not generated near top barrier fixed bot with flag going towards team flag instead of base dm_arena and dm_epitaph railing are platforms added difficulty slider to solo lobby added matchmaking steam/discord invites renamed History to Match History fixed History and Leaderboards buttons being clickable when in background better alignements in Gostek screen better alignements in Career screen nades and score limits back to normal [19.01.2022] 0.7.174t fixed superman snapping to ground at wrong angle and too soon faster crouch transition from land added lobby vote items descriptions fixed outline on ammo vest closer zoom on player in menu fixed press any key appearing after returning to menu new roadmap graphic fixed logo appearing too soon after roadmap faster appearing playfab usernames map visual fixes: ctf_wretch, ctf_dogbite improved character lighting fixed status text still there on HUD Level 0 removed report bug text on HUD Level < 3 [18.01.2022] 0.7.173t map visual fixes: ctf_laos, ctf_wretch, ctf_dogbite matchmaking UI improvements added ranked and unranked player stats added rank change stat in ranked end game removed alpha channel in gostek color changes fixed play error in editor fixed connecting to domain url address fixed errors when player not in rank system ESC goes back to Home menu first removed ESC hides end game screen added prompt before launching editor added proper text window for text links added patch notes button in home screen fixed server greet scrollbar position fixed error messages when connection issues failed steam login will attempt to reconnect fixed end game screen dissapearing in ranked [17.01.2022] 0.7.170t added rank badges added top ratings list added match history added global player stats in Career tab UI rework WIP improved matchmaking UI fixed outlines on gamemode, map and status in-game fixed top menu not appearing after returning from menu added FAQ link to main screen weapons menu color changes added labels for both teams in end game screen added lobby join/leave sounds fixed all music tracks not working properly [11.01.2022] 0.7.167t major UI rework WIP fixed stretching on news item image only 3 news items fixed news not launching through Steam browser fixed player color toggle not working sometimes fixed hair thickness not saving properly Escape closes windows properly in main menu Escape returns to credits and prompts for quit [23.12.2021] 0.7.166t UI rework WIP added news section in main menu added matchmaking rank to main menu fixed vote map not working when weapons menu showing jets button closes weapon menu always modifiers starting with "Testing_" aren't available for voting added historical stats and matchmaking end screen matchmaking fixes players don't reset if match goes back to waiting state fixed bullet start position when crouched bullet start position is adjusted by player velocity added proper fade from black on map load fixed minigun bullet origin fixed flag collider added more friction to flag fixed flag blinking lighter improved flag color [21.12.2021] 0.7.163t fixed gamemode and map text in end screen fixed changing map while patching fixed Discord invalid payload error msg fixed autologin as guest in standalone fixed setting uselobby in rcon voting starts a bit later [17.12.2021] 0.7.162t added lobby discord/steam invite buttons added show/hide lobby button fixed lobby overbalanced on join improved lobby button highlight colors changed lobby ready button colors better solo lobby status text added server greet after lobby picked a match fixed music not playing after map change added music changes to next track on finish lighter "Playing music..." color in chat fixed superman dash hitting platforms fixed "changed team to" chat message added semi-white highlight to weapon menu chat is cleared in solo after next map fixed chat not hiding after some time more liberal chat flood rules improved chat alignment and start glitch fixed Show Chat option fixed end screen players list over scrolling fixed end screen clipped in 21:9 fixed CTF interface not aligned to middle new flag icons fixed sending nothing to chat [16.12.2021] 0.7.154t added steam friends invites added steam rich presence status added steam avatars in lobby added steam user profile on click player in lobby added discord rich presence added discord invites fixed players timing out in lobby fixed bots shooting after end game fixed error if updating from old version console uses HOME or TILDE key fixed first connect to server connection issue added logging in steam popup bots won't respawn if no human is respawned and playing [14.12.2021] 0.7.153t dash doesnt do much damage now but at full speed is deadly added superman dash speed effect + sound map fixes/improvements: ctf_cobra improved superman jet animation changelog now only at https://soldat2.com/changelog.txt added link for more changelog at the bottom of changelog fixed music stopping after map change removed white highlight in weapons menu fixed bots not respawning on next game fixed CTF end screen stat labels after DM changed size of solo bots menu (Domination) slower team capture multiplier slower show base captured camera focus area capture texts changed to "base lost" / "base capture" [13.12.2021] 0.7.152t added superman drophit (experimental) fixed weapon selection not working if selected after spawn fixed clip stopping player on reload fixed lobby appearing if vote map passed no respawns after end game fixed lobby votes cleared after switching team fixed lobby not appearing after end match fixed lobby not starting in solo if too few bots added matchmaking bot address config blue throw charge bar (UI changes) improved lobby layout and behaviours endgame top panel angled removed weapon menu back/equip button added weapon menu icon outlines changed weapon menu highlight colors weapon menu are at an angle cleaned up weapon menu icons tweaked scoreboard colors scoreboard team player entries are team colored endgame players lists smaller if less than 4 players "T for chat" text is smaller and won't appear if help disabled slightly smaller chat font slightly smaller fonts for HUD texts [11.12.2021] 0.7.151t fixed chat dissapearing matchmaking fixes fixed missing websocket rcon messages match won't end if paused fixed visible in browser config set from rcon fixed "next match in" msg in endgame when paused fixed "next match in" msg in endgame alignement fixed rcon logs not saved in console.txt votes counted based on number of players at the moment of vote start if players leave during vote auto next match fixed Voting.AllowVoting (removed GameServerConfig.AllowMapVoting) fixed @ character in e-mail inputs console button changed to [Home] [10.12.2021] 0.7.149t added pre-game lobby (WIP) chat on top of all UI's fixed matchmaking dropdowns fixed first time connection issues added cycle-dm.json fixed [B] Hide appearing if HUD disabled level in solo renamed to map fixed not appearing log "Autobalance: {NICK} joined team {TEAM}" [06.12.2021] 0.7.148t new flag icons added reload charge bar added fire interval charge bar added HUD level setting for disabling most HUD elements added ShowKillLog setting added ShowChat setting added ShowScreenIcons setting improved domination bases UI added blinking base out of screen icon removed ambient sound in menu softer looking spawn protection removed score from deathmatch end status fixed big score in deathmatch end game screen fixed padding end game winner text fixed controls not working when mouse over scoreboard fixed HUD disabled larger out of screen icons larger outline on out of screen icons fixed flag icons not appearing in solo [03.12.2021] 0.7.147t added dom_stronghold Domination base capture focuses camera higher time to capture various Domination fixes improved platforms/ladders handling faster ladder down improved spawn protection blinking visibility fixed audio clip on win sound fixed splat sound not being played in 3D camera starts at map center on map load fixed sharp transition on zoomin after spawn added top barrier to map settings improved quality of bot waypoints fixed _example.json and _default.json missing in /Modifiers folder fixed /listplayers (rehaul of In-Game UI) rearranged scoreboard headers rearranged server greet elements renamed weapons GO! to EQUIP HUD disabled if scoreboard or endscreen visible chat and killog disabled if scoreboard or endscreen visible HUD and weapons menu disabled if game menu player names disabled if weapons menu weapons menu won't show behind server greet improved end game stats display added team score to end game deathmatch scoreboard is centered greet text in solo is FAQ fixed multiple in-game UI alignment issues fixed ragged aliasing on sloped UI elements fixed vote not appearing on match end fixed Enemies in Base... text staying after respawn respawn in... text color is team color fixed damage values in end screen end screen NaN and Infinity changed to character mainmenu changelog is animated added main menu animated entry added fade from black on map load [26.11.2021] 0.7.146t new Domination bases cap progress display larger capture effect new jungle ambience fixed Domination team score on net fixed set Match.MinimumPlayers mid-game fixed get command not displaying anything through websocket rcon [25.11.2021] 0.7.145t added Domination gamemode added Area protoshape for Domination base added returns and total damage stat improved audio volume fall off fixed distorted sounds if too much playing optimized amount of sounds played balanced volume of gun and explosions sounds fixed jets playing after death renamed stats in end screen fixed alignments in end screen removed status display on end screen added "next game in..." to end screen removed direction notifier after last flag capture added blinking "Vote!" text on vote panel removed X from vote panel ctf_silo visual tweaks added ShowEventTexts config for showing flag return/cap texts fixed set scorelimit and matchsecs mid-game [23.11.2021] 0.7.144t added server password input UI ground dust particles are off if Decorative Particles off fixed rules components get command not displaying proper result set rules component variables are persistent for the duration of the server CTF match secs set to non-scaled 5 mins and 3 caps config passwords are trimmed from begin and end spaces fixed /say not being able to send spaces fixed AllowTeamChanging config added AllowMapVoting config fixed game event chat logs not appearing in console fixed setteam not working correctly due to autobalance most rcon command results now print out for rcon player [18.11.2021] 0.7.143t fixed fog overlays: ctf_snakebite fixed platforms (and other colliders) not passable if in foreground fixed kick bot menu command in solo players list in game menu is now refreshed after kick matchmaking WIP [17.11.2021] 0.7.142t added end match screen with stats health and charge bar overflows within default bar flak cannon changed to charge timeout weapon improved jet streams visuals for a softer look removed jet streams from kill cam fixed shadow artifact on kill cam fixed Barrett shooting before charge bar end improved spawn protection effect visuals fixed gun angles when cursor close to gun improved right hand gun positioning bullet appears slightly farther from gun fixed bullet appearance offset when moving fast fixed ambient sound playing if ambient off and alt+tabbing fixed camera jerk on roll guns have higher fall velocity shell drop sounds are louder added /version command (prints game version) fixed nade kill logs [11.11.2021] 0.7.141t fixed background desaturation with detailed backgrounds off various performance optimizations charge and health bar overflow has outline flags UI deactivates on end match tweaked jets stream tweaked end game texts removed winners text in team games fixed self patcher issue removed fog gradient fixed charge bar appearing on cursor hover and take medkit ambient sounds turn off if application out of focus [10.11.2021] 0.7.140t added charge bar for grenade, weapon and flag throw added charge bar for Barret shot added cursor time remaining during weapon shot intervals added new spawn invincibilty indicator health bars now vanish immediately on death changed GIF recording settings (3s->4s but lower fps/quality) removed chat text background slightly larger chat texts thinner bullet trails less yellow on team bullets thinner grenade trail added jets bar option health bar show time is shorter health bar is smaller fixed help key background too wide improved help texts /listmaps prints maps in one line setting gamecycle from console restarts the server added /restartserver command for restarting the map cycle [09.11.2021] 0.7.139t added team jet colors improved jet stream visuals improved gostek aim rotations fixed superman axis changing in air fixed muzzle smoke when cursor close to weapon changed bullet origin from weapon muzzle to shoulder center improved superman forces added superman snaps to ground angle fixed upside down on ground animation fixed superman upside down on ground not falling improved left hand weapon barrel hold jets bar only shows if fuel below certain threshold added ambient sound volume control fixed ambient sound in menu changed jungle ambient sounds [08.11.2021] 0.7.138t added level ambient sounds fixed map name in chat with server directory a bit louder jets sound fixed fog looks on ctf_snakebite fixed 0 damage hit markers fixed hat off player issue [29.10.2021] 0.7.137t added flag caps to kill log improved camera position on roll fixed scrollbars in solo menu added 30s buffer before next map when all players leave fixed status timer not working when players leave jet bar and health bar are slightly thinner fixed ctf_cobra backgrounds overlapping foreground added rcon command "set" works for component variables (eg. Set Match.MinimumPlayers 4) added ListMaps command addev Vote [team] command matchmaking WIP [25.10.2021] 0.7.136t added vote map button to game menu only 3 maps are used for vote (autoconfig/LevelsToVote) voting maps use map cycle and conditions voting menu position change to center-left explosions are now behind players fixed must-release jets to do superman fixed camera position rotation when rolling fixed reloading cancelled by flag throw drops blinking are shorter and has less opacity fixed jet trails using desaturation/darken option fixed status position when scaled fixed some collider props invisible with background disabled fixed superman on ground with cursor up M79 bullet thicker trail fixed ammo bar not dissapearing on death fixed menu cam shake in player tab added outline to main menu buttons added exit to main menu buttons main menu visual improvements (prototype suggestions) [22.10.2021] 0.7.135t front flip doesn't lose horizontal velocity (test) added prone to roll boost (test) faster prone transition instant prone to crouch less wobbly superman superman in air snaps immediately to cursor angle movement key cancels superman also in air improved ctf_cobra visuals improved explosion animation improved explosion light smoother camera transition after weapon select added proper error when loading old level format fixed "Wrong level initialized" connection issue fixed playfab error if name too long [21.10.2021] 0.7.134t added level textures loaded from files (Levels/Standard or Levels/Custom) added show HealthBars option added show CursorNames option reworked particles: smaller counts, size and stay time faster explosion particles dissapear dead body darkens for better death indication improved non-detailed backgrounds on all maps removed local player cursor name fixed white flag issue fixed losers cheering animation color rcon/admin status in scoreboard fixed confusing team colors fix by changing to opposite team color removed team hat color next map is changed to most voted map fixed holding move key before respawn moved net stats to not obstruct interface fixed "Wrong level initialized" connection issue fixed pickup help key showing when help disabled added Drop Flag key help fixed "doesn't have _Stencil property" server log spam fixed tabbing between e-mail/password on login fixed IO error on configs update fixed non-ASCII characters in scoreboard [15.10.2021] 0.7.133t added front flip (test) no downflip if near ground tweaked collision dust more superman drag during jet improved ctf_crossfire (background cleanup, colors tweak) fixed knife fixed chainsaw smoke on back removed modifiers: UltraTactical, Motorbike (temporarily) fixed Zone modifier not working fixed ExplosionsStun modifier stunning superman crashes fixed UltraShortMatch modifier being 30s instead of 60s [14.10.2021] 0.7.132t added chainsaw overheating chainsaw smoke shows overheated state added downwards forwardflip and backflip added explosion chain reactions added collision dust effect wall bump resets backflip fixed superman downwards force ctf_wretch improvements matchmaking WIP cigar puff sound played only if window focused [13.10.2021] 0.7.131t testing new superman controls smoother superman ground stop fixed hard roll not possible from backflip [12.10.2021] 0.7.130t added map voting on match end added coyote time for all jumps fixed inconsistent hard roll against wall wall jump is more powerful removed straight up wall jump fixed wall jump animation issue improved jet flames effects jet flames use custom color superman slide only when jetting fixed weird superman angles when tapping jet key superman can end if left/right pressed in any direction smaller gib smoke fixed ladders key not working (defaults inputs loaded) improved fogs on most maps [07.10.2021] 0.7.129t added rolling from air (crouch pressed first in air) added hardroll no running forces if holding jump (S1-like) added bullet-flyby-whizz sounds improved ctf_hormone visuals improved ctf_silo visuals improved fog overlay visuals HUD grenade amount color matches grenade icon fixed darken/desaturate background not working in main menu fixed lighting using background darken/desaturate instead of foreground fixed flagthrow tweaked blood splats [07.10.2021] 0.7.128t improved left/right movement/glide behaviour (like S1) fixed weird run animation when cursor close to gostek new non detailed polygons look improved non DetailedBackgrounds look removed scripting (temporarily) [07.10.2021] 0.7.127t matchmaking WIP fixed crazy hair fixed flag bouncy in base added flag rotations added flag velocity cap damage hit marker is higher than hit cross fixed damage markers overlapping fixed menu camera shake behaving different with different fps fixed camera transition and zooms fps dependent fixed console UI errors on game start [06.10.2021] 0.7.126t DetailedBackgrounds removes all backgrounds added animated background fogs added ServerPassword server config added AllowTeamChanging server config [05.10.2021] 0.7.125t changed alpha/bravo to blue/red changed friendly/enemy to blue/red fixed flag capture log messages "grabbed by" log changed to "taken by" fixed account ids in logs added account ids to flag logs fixed main menu top 10 visibility fixed main nenu player customization sliders visiblity [01.10.2021] 0.7.124t added score to win match status fixed end game status replaced by picked weapon name fixed game cursor in main menu improved cursor hover player names visibility improved hit damage marker visiblity improved matchmaking minimize button visibility fixed server "fire weapon too frequently" increased soldier outline width [27.09.2021] 0.7.123t added background map to main menu added 'info' console/rcon command fixed rcon for ingame player fixed dedi server error on grab flag fixed issue with server kick message not appearing after kick larger FPS graph fixed help key text overriding box fixed error when ESC during input change fixed chemtrail jets issues faster crouching [21.09.2021] 0.7.122t fixed info popups overriding popups with OK/Yes/No buttons fixed join server disconnection message faster matchmaking rules scrolling fixed matchmaking gamemode checkbox size fixed websocketrcon logs missing and some commands [16.09.2021] 0.7.121t fixed error when moving old files and same old file already there fixed gun angle and animation during superman fixed help text showing controller keys fixed next match not working in solo [15.09.2021] 0.7.120t added new FPS, dB and RAM graph [F2 key] added websocket rcon (WebSocketsRconPort in autoconfig.ini - ws://IP:PORT/rcon) added matchmaking UI stub removed webrcon [10.09.2021] 0.7.117t improved ctf_guardash into ctf_crossfire added new music tracks Bloody Soil (2021), Gore (2021) & Necromancide (2021) added new music control keys: F5 play/stop; F6 next track fixed main menu music loudness issues fixed One Man Army in-game track fixed barrel sizes on dm_epitaph fixed rock collider visibility on dm_rogue fixed dm_arena2 barrel materials fixed dm_arena visual issues fixed left-bottom help texts not appearing on first level load removed redundant maps [07.09.2021] 0.7.116t added dm_epitaph, ctf_dogbite added adaptive skill-based spawn health to DM/TDM (experimental) fixed Zone modifier fixed modifier rules names being case sensitive added "No Minigun" modifier cursor has red tint when can't shoot removed survival modifier (temporarily) improved boot jet flames (position and effect smoothness) fixed rotation animation jitters fixed direction turn speed fixed status texts positioning fixed help keys display fixed help keys showing controller keys instead of keyboard/mouse [03.09.2021] 0.7.115t added dm_rogue, ctf_wretch removed sandbags from flag basecamps removed outline from bullets collide protoshape added new collider layer - items collide fixed nextmap attempt in menu editor: fixed error when exiting editor while in play mode fixed background_island prop rotation renamed only bullets pass to players collide renamed only players pass to bullets collide [02.09.2021] 0.7.114t added dm_arena, dm_arena2 new body impact sounds new bullet kill sound fixed sound panning added yellow tint to team bullets removed F1 as scoreboard key help key is F1 fixed help key display improved greet server message layout changed some cursors fixed cursor 20 and 1 bit smaller player indicator hit marks only appear if damage applied added option for player indicator on/off added option for death screams on/off added option for death laughs on/off added option for kill sound on/off added option for bullet time on/off air death scream less likely editor: fixed pms map blocking protoshapes view [20.08.2021] 0.7.113t added team colored bullets added team colored hit marks improved map backgrounds visiblity (decluttering/colors/foggier close objects) a lot less 3D perspective effect on camera added HUD direction when flag taken sharper HUD fonts added HUD scale option added cursor scale option added 20 different cursor options added cursor fades if weapon not ready to fire cursor text is white and centered team name flag changed to "friendly/enemy flag" flag "grabbed" changed to "taken" your flag icon is now hidden if flag grabbed bots more likely to grab flag then engage in combat UltraTactical: lifted max velocity; increased jump force fixed outline not appearing on some protoshapes fixed fog artifact [21.07.2021] 0.7.112t added foreground/background brightness/saturation options to graphic settings removed pro mode (redundant) darker and less saturated skies on all maps removed background outlines added ctf_snakebite2 - test of simpler version fixed barrett sound having dragunov sounds fixed dedi server config updater version not updating added dedi server coroutines debug [19.07.2021] 0.7.111t fixed wrong win team displayed on match end fixed flag throw desyncs added match time scaled by players count fixed modifiers carried over to next map added dust smoke behind explosion lessened camera restriction in ultra tactical modifier darker effects colors [16.07.2021] 0.7.109t detail texture displaces based on detail normal map fixed patcher memory leak (only full patch downlaod works) upgraded DarkRift: fixed messages being lost if sent too quickly after connecting fixed leak in ID allocation fixed bug where a split TCP header would cause a disconnect fixed bug where clients remaining in connecting state on failure [16.07.2021] 0.7.108t maps WIP: snakebite, laos, guardash, hormone fixed protoshape texture pixelization fixed protoshape material impact types fixed announcer/timer mismatch fixed leaderboard score counting when playing with bots Editor: added protoshape texture offset and scale fine tune options protoshape texture doesn't stretch with size thinner borderlines can disable borderlines with Show Borders toggle [15.07.2021] 0.7.107t random drops use physics instead of floating fixed ragdoll map collisions in some places fixed server address not showing in greet and scoreboard fixed servers browser missing after return to menu updated PlayFab SDK (fixed console warnings) [15.07.2021] 0.7.106t maps WIP: snakebite, laos, guardash, cobra, hormone fixed rules modifiers not working added background outlines options toggle added weapons menu shadow removed old maps (moved to Levels/Old) Editor: new default map settings new textures and detail textures fixed texture scale snapping can modify god ray color added fog overlay prop detail textures can use transparency [12.07.2021] 0.7.105t visual style tweaks and map visual tests in-game UI color adjustments added object/protoshape outlines added new map designer prefabs and textures Editor: added colorful/gradient fog option rearranged map settings fixed sky colors being an array (breaking change) fixed changing from background material issue [23.06.2021] 0.7.104t new visual style added test maps ctf_laosX, ctf_siloX added smoke on ground land Editor: can change color of all map object types fixed duplicate object broken fixed objects with negative depth appearing behind foreground layer added more distance to Depth slider fixed selecting very close objects default map prop type is background added 'show colliders' toggle [17.06.2021] 0.7.104t "bravo" and "alpha" names are team colored in notifier fixed captured notification color rich-text tags removed from lags fixed team score on join healthbar, jetbar and player indicator are removed on death Editor: UI does not scale with higher resolution - more space rearranged UI elements added map not found popup to load added import settings button to editor smoother scaling auto-switch to prefabs toolbar after load map [15.06.2021] 0.7.102t fixed editor/game lighting inconsistency fixed foreground objects not in front in game Capture The Flag remade into script (working again) fixed map bounds collision off if bound set to destroy [14.06.2021] 0.7.101t optimized editor settings change editor settings show up immediately fixed sun light angle and color not working in editor fixed lower right corner ping appearing in offline [11.06.2021] 0.7.100t fixed players stuck on ladders in multiplayer smoother network movement fixed first chat not appearing fixed deathmatch player colors white fixed big flag on return to base added "next level" screen while server is loading map fixed specator camera jumping rapidly fixed editor not working fixed CTF interface and end conditions (still WIP) [10.06.2021] 0.7.98t decoupled map lighting from object lighting brighter and sharper lighting on all objects removed map ambient lighting settings fixed network bullet start position desync added network bullet extrapolation survival rewritten into script renamed team red/blue to alpha/bravo scripts are recompiled on start solo game added "reload" command for script recompiling [09.06.2021] 0.7.97t updated game cycle with new maps and conditions ctf can use tdm and ctb maps fixed chat delayed fixed server greet window alignment on 21:9 fixed [B] Show appearing on top of game menu and scoreboard TDM spawn health 1.3->1.1 fixed CTF flags broken removed dm_bigfalls, tdm_dargul removed ctb and progressive gamemodes (temporarily) fixed netstats printing too frequently fixed server log spam issues [08.06.2021] 0.7.96t network optimizations and issues solved better net player smoothing fixed random server freezes map changes after 20 minutes of no players steam failed will try again on clicking online fixed invisible player issue added return to menu if disconnected during map load [04.06.2021] 0.7.91t better changelog long lines visibility loadmap command map and rules are case insensitive optimized scoreboard optimized server performance [03.06.2021] 0.7.90t fixed net lag issues fixed dedicated patcher dedicated server optimizations fixed network bot bullets collision issues [02.06.2021] 0.7.88t added server/client C# scripting (Soldat2\Scripts) added Climb gamemode (WIP / rules+script example) added rules in separate json files in Soldat2\Rules removed Soldat2\Configs (old files moved to Soldat2/old) removed solo mode config editors in main menu fixed level/rules and modifiers not saved after returning to menu added your score and score limit to status in Deathmatch fixed picking weapon when in esc menu moved default gamecycle to Cycles/Standard/cycle-default.json fixed some object slider values breaking config editor added compression for sending level, rules and modifiers fixed protoshape duplicate texture [01.06.2021] 0.7.86t fixed killlog misaligned sometimes added slight blink when killlog item added killlog black background is blacker fixed weapon menu not showing issue added 2 new textures for editor [27.05.2021] 0.7.84t fixed colored/no collider protoshape still colliding fixed desertwind collider added dardar dm maps [21.05.2021] 0.7.83t fixed mirrored object wrong color issue fixed not spawning after death issue fixed steam authentication issue dedicated server optimizations [21.05.2021] 0.7.82t fixed editor not working fixed greet window in 21:9 inserted spaces between gamemode words in scoreboard unified font and color for player stats in scoreboard fixed some map names wrong in scoreboard fixed general rules modifiers not working in solo fixed spectator movement speed dependent on FPS fixed exit to menu issue fixed not respawning after map change issue [20.05.2021] 0.7.81t fixed some mirrored map objects not visible default editor map is not mirrored fixed right fade on non-mirrored map added greet.txt for server greet/description messages faq.txt and changelog.txt available in game directory [19.05.2021] 0.7.80t fixed multiple network issues fixed superman jet trail sync fixed match time desync (affecting things like zone size) fixed nades not colliding with team mates if when FriendlyBulletCollisions on fixed bad ping calculation faster spawn health in TDM comedown fixed shooting dead guy fixed sometimes not spawning after next map fixed loading wrong map if joined when server loading map fixed direction on HUD showing in TDM fixed flak going through colliders fixed death screen effects removed debug graph drawing (F2 / was slow) default server bots diffulty - highest [13.05.2021] 0.7.79t FOW color is pitch black added end kill cam in team modes forced sleeves to team color forced forearms and sleevs to team color if vest kill cam flag capture text changed to "captured by" added survival mode reinforcements after 60 secs fixed PTDM winner notification fixed local respawn if dead in survival removed time limit in CTB fixed respawning during stages break CTB flag returns faster than capture fixed flakcannon not appearing in killcam removed backgrounds from killcam removed healthbar when Fog of War invincibility glow color is team color slightly less contrast effect fixed barrier color fixed changing graphic settings spoiling prop material color fixed textures in editor not updating immediately [11.05.2021] 0.7.78t better performance and faster map loading times added dm_dargul added bottom to tdm_dargul added 'battle royale' zone modifier pants can be any color in team modes hat has team color in team modes can't use other team color on player (fades the color) better respawns in deathmatch (tries to spawn in a safe spot) fixed survival DM and added end conditions warmup and end time adjusted in DM (quicker) added DM winner cam DM can use any map fixed items on ground glow better background color in custom battle bots DM removed sidebarriers modifier disabled show healthbar in beginning disabled show healthbar when fog of war centered kill status text fixed spas shell falling out infinitely thinner bullets [07.05.2021] 0.7.77t added flag capture cam fixed flag grab sound in PCTF fixed stage end message and sound in PCTF added screen flash on round reset fixed win sound in PCTF added match tie sound added lose sound all progressive modes have different win sound added team score limit on HUD in CTF and TDM removed weapon notification on respawn added new animated direction notifier can't spawn in base that is being captured fixed no spawning again if no bases to spawn fixed end conditions in PTDM and CTB PTDM respawn base is offset by 1 (P)TDM team score is scaled by player count bot doesnt stop shooting so much tweaked jump up anim tweaked cell shader look kill cam displays weapon flashes weapon menu: red weapon names on hover weapon menu: weapon icons are larger on hover [06.05.2021] 0.7.76t more main menu improvements more game menu improvements friendly bullet collision on by default no blood if damage hit is 0 fixed settings slider background color mismatch settings checkboxes aligned to left smaller report bug key display help key display yellow fixed changelog not parsed fixed camera distance clamped to 1000 [05.05.2021] 0.7.75t main menu improvements game menu improvements fixed blood splatter left overs changelog is loaded from disk instead of downloaded settings are not expanded by default [30.04.2021] 0.7.74t fixed steam login fixed servers browser refresh button missing fixed settings checkbox size higher res weapon icons default help key is F10 fixed patcher removing files in base directory fixed waypoint generation [30.04.2021] 0.7.73t fixed map prop coloring fixed protoshape color type not colored fixed last mesh in background duplicated fixed default editor fog distance [29.04.2021] 0.7.72t more menu improvements build size and memory optimizations particle shaders standardized (performance improvement) lighter jetpack trails fixed Core Settings missing in configs lighter weapon icons added config for memory profiler fixed .json in map name in scoreboard fixed main menu top menu redder blood [26.04.2021] 0.7.70t new main menu WIP faster solo menu loading [24.04.2021] 0.7.69t new main menu prototype il2cpp off (fixes lots of errors) [23.04.2021] 0.7.68t il2cpp enabled (more FPS - except OSX) added GPU instancing on some materials (more FPS) added map prop mesh combining (more FPS) added map props to static batching (more FPS) moved ProMode to Gameplay Settings ProMode less dark backgrounds flag icon always appears when FOW more vertical mouse aim in UltraTactical faster startup loading times faster loading time when lots of levels removed dependency on levels.json removed custom battle modifiers for levels fixed custom levels reloading/loading new levels at runtime DetailedBackgrounds instead of removing disables animations for animated elements Rewired input fix fixed input editor / added X to close removed OMA, RR and TW removed old map cycles updated test map cycle Editor: fixed menu elements at 21:9 added archbridge level prefab [20.04.2021] 0.7.67t upgraded to Unity 2021.1.3f1 (camera smoothness fixes, FPS improvements) il2cpp build improved layout of editor menus (some things broken like input editor) [16.04.2021] 0.7.66t added ProMode in graphics settings improved mouse/camera smoothness consistent visuals when Detailed Polygons on/off lessened 3D polygon effect clamped map hue, saturation and brightness values fixed framedrops caused by discord update and logs saving fixed name in scoreboard showing dead after a few secs better ctf_laos background colors fixed ctf_cobra background too close [15.04.2021] 0.7.65t fixed several respawning issues dead players names appear faded in scoreboard cigar and chainsaw smoke light instead of dark background improvements ctf_hormone, ctf_laos, ctf_snakebite smaller chat texts with outline (instead of shadow) fixed ragdolls falling behind map too often spectator movement speed is relative to zoom farther zoom when joining server removed unnecessary background colliders from protoshape editor: added value inputs to editor value sliders fixed picking foreground objects [14.04.2021] 0.7.64t can open weapon menu at any time with [B] fixed spectator controls when typing in chat detailed backgrounds options removes only some details detailed polygons off has a darker look fixed spectator move during menu and interactions fixed foreground object colors when detailed polygons off custom battle bots count is saved fixed custom maps copyied to release build fixed background objects having 3d colliders added new default map cycle better ctf_cobra, ctf_dogbite, ctf_hormone, ctf_laos, ctf_silo, ctf_snakebite added ctf_abyss, ctf_rust, ctf_bigfalls (test) [13.04.2021] 0.7.63t fixed issue causing some fast inputs to be lost (eg. mouse wheel) CTB can be played on CTF maps snappier prone and superman transition removed auto getup from superman if holding move key on ground smaller bullet trails added "hit" sound optional [10.04.2021] 0.7.62t HUD player names and icons dont show if enemy team hidden in Fog of War HUD team player icons show if hidden in Fog of War darker FOW fog color darker outline on HUD player names fixed cursor not clamping to edge of screen [09.02.2021] 0.7.61t fixed cursor snapping if sensitivity other than 1 fixed game cursor misplaced after chat or esc added debug mouse graph [F2] added server certificate in config removed unnecesary error when play pressed in editor [07.02.2021] 0.7.60t added main menu changelog fixed PTDM ending when tean score set to 0 decoupled UltraTactical and Survival modifiers [06.04.2021] 0.7.59t GFX rehaul - toon stylized: new fonts new roadmap new logo new icon HUD improvements: added health and ammo bars added right aligned kill log added outlines instead of shadows reworked buttons/screens in main menu main menu tweaks music files kept in memory compressed rearranged home and bots in menu fixed main menu 21:9 issue faster change weapon speed 0.25->0.22 flakcannon remade improved platforming added cam speed, shake and flash settings smaller weapon light radius fixes for motion sickness camera better throw flag unstuck better dragunov sounds disabled stun by default gostek stops immediately on grab ladder better ladder anims default spec view and start spec view lower camera depth fixes for z fighting cleanup - less build size bot doesnt go far for powerups bot more likely to engage enemy fixed oneshot modifier allowing other weapons bases interface has small irrelevant icons hit crosses are default added sound to jump side fixed camera lerp issues fixed double player / invisible player issue fixed player not turning into ragdoll issue fixed flag stuck issue added sound on [B] - weapons show/pick fixed [B] not picking weapon after map change added [B] show/hide text fixed weapon rotation on soldier fixed start camera pos and fov removed ground explosion fixed aim origin on chainsaw fixed targetframerate=0 blocking game items blink faster the closer they are to despawn tidied graphics settings fixed jetsallowed not working due to standardmodifier added initial push force to help with running up slope added muzzle collision sniper line explosion light is modified by weapoonlightintensity from core settings added specator controls added fog map settings bots by default harder fixed bow cursor old maps get moved to Custom/Old fixed double chat on server added outline to screen icons fixed weaponry appearing after pressing enter fixed menu pings not timing out smoothed camera movement removed cursor dissapear on death added screen shake, screen flash and camera speed settings if team empty auto balance force if players leave game ends fixes for sidebarriers modifiers fixed no collision on team base camp multiple bases allowed basecamp base roof is set only if nothing above fixed large blood on limb explosion spectator cam in bounds flakcannon won't shoot immediately after firing fixed barriers moving on esc menu and after game ends removed nag screen on designer added horizontal stopping on ladder fixed configs not resetting after returning to custom battles added left, right, top, bottom map dims Configs: can change zdistance of game camera without affecting fog New gamemodes: Progressive TDM Progressive CTF Progressive Reverse CTF New maps: added ctf_silo, ctf_laos, ctf_snakebite, ctf_dogbite, ctf_hormone, tdm_silo New modifiers: added slomovement modifier added survival added explosionstun modifier added reverse flags modifier added Fog Of War added Ultra Tactical modifier level designer rehaul: added protoshapes added generic map props map background uses gradient added vertex coloring added texture details voxels terrain removed gen maps removed maps can use custom colors for lighting/fog added map fog and sky color changing in editor added basic undo added arrow keys prefab controls designer added map texture scale setting added more variables for controlling map texture designer refreshes on mouse up only fixed loading saved maps after saving last map save/load is saved fixed graphic settings different in designer better sky gradient controls [29.01.2021] 0.7.29 + fixed flag getting stuck after drop or explosion issue + flag maintains base center position if near base [27.01.2021] 0.7.28 + fixed flag sync issue + better flag unstucking + fixed pressing B not unhiding weapon menu issue + higher sound limit on low quality settings [23.01.2021] 0.7.27 + added new weapon: Desert Eagles + added new gamemode: Team Deathmatch + added perfect hitboxes + darDar's weapons balance + spawn nades lowered to 1 + max nades lowered to 2 + max player velocity 25.5->26.5 + chainsaw damage is dependent on hitbox penetration + less explosion force on flag + fixed no flag grab sound + flag cant be capped after game ends + added no damage after game ends option + less cam shake + less cursor spray on bink + fixed not being able to alt emote after death + added physicsobject config component for setting mass and such + can modify explosion force on object + added additional makarov fire sound + lowered default AutoShutdown to 12hrs + fixed leaderboard kills not registered sometimes Editor: + fixed saving file with same name + fixed selecting objects that are covered by other objects + fixed selecting ramps and curves + added selected object outline [09.01.2021] 0.7.23 + added ctf_guardian, ctf_trap, dm_bigfalls, dm_daybreak + fixed close shots hitreg + slightly bigger hitbox + chainsaw slightly shorter distance + removed turning around during s1 superman + slower horizontal jet speed x0.88 + added horizontal jets force modifier + removed tent from ash + fixed large maps sync + quick join works with non-official servers + fixed ragdoll collision with ramp and curve object Editor: + fixed standard map saved to custom folder + fixed saving object duplicates + fixed nextmap issues during loading map or waiting for others to join Server: + added loadcycle command [12.11.2020] 0.7.22 Gameplay: + gostek gravityscale 1->1.25 (increased jump and jets forces to accomodate) + removed stomp + smoother superman reverse + added bink (Dragunov, Barrett) and selfbink (Ak, Rheinmetall) + movementspray removed for all weapons + fixed flag not falling thru rails Flag: + added drop flag button [Z] + fixed spawning on free flags returns it + fixed carried flag (and weapons) destroyed when player disconnects + fixed flag (and weapons) not inherting dead body velocity + fixed throwing flag into ceiling and getting it stuck + fixed flag sync when returned or dropped + fixed double flags issue + fixed issues causing flag desync, non-capturable and double flags Improvements: + improved bullet hits sync + weapon reload doesn't reset on nade + faster knife pickup after throw + added throw animation + increased limb dismembers tolerance + jets disabled if jets 0 in standard modifier + gostek inputs disabled if using Alt + weapon menu shows up next time after cancelled with B + spectator cam stays in place + can emote a while after death + camera slower when zooming + longer staying jets stream effect + player damage/gore less dark + removed too long floor in basecamp + much higher weapon throw velocity + detached weapon throw from dropvelocity variable Bugs: + fixed weapon/animation stuck if nade exploded in hands while reloading + fixed chainsaw not working when holding fire and changing weapon + fixed ctrl+v switching to free cam + fixed url join + fixed weapon menu hiding issue + fixed throw weapon angle + fixed player indicator and chat rotated when spawned on slope + fixed cursor moving to middle on weapon menu + fixed chainsaw not glowing + fixed cant shoot when mouse hover over kill log + fixed help not showing + fixed weapon menu exiting by mistake + fixed weapon menu can't click immediately + fixed nojets modifier not working UI: + added gather button in menu + fixed login window appearing on url join + increased head chat limit to 42 characters + limited player names to 30 characters + fixed movementspray always affecting cursor + fixed long player names not fitting in killlog + added secondary key (Enter) for chat Maps: + added ctf_rotten, ctf_stahlwerk made by darDar + improved ctf_strike + fixed laos collision - moved middle buddha backwards + optimized laos particles + optimized bg textures on laos and nevada Server: + added rcon command "say" rcon" + improved error handling when loading jsons + added player joined/left with account id + fixed crash on loadmap that doesnt exist + loadmap can use rules acronyms eg. ctf + removed RR frm default cycle + added log msgs for cap/rem flags + fixed issue causing custom configs to be erased Experimental: + added TrenchWars gamemode (experimental) + added MoreGravity modifier [27.11.2020] 0.7.18 + less ground drag (momentum isn't lost so much) + increased max velocity slightly / decreased max jets velocity slightly + added superman auto-jet horizontally (hold superman key [shift]) + added superman 360 with superman + jet key + transition to superman takes a bit more time + spawn armor time -> 1.2s + spawn armor stops on fire, change weapon and grenade + improved gostek glow on spawn + improved cursor player names visibility + improved killog font visiblity + fixed too much movementspray + movement spray is minimized with crouch + glow objects work for all graphic settings + added sharpen default at graphics 5 + fixed games list refresh erroring out if too much requests + fixed shininess on gosteks + removed weapons model from basecamp + fixed net lag capsules appearing + optimized laos scenery + optimized glow objects + optimized explosions and hits + optimized modifiers + optimized flag cloth + optimized property syncing + optimized weapon meshes + optimized dynamic lights shadows + optimized bullet creation [24.11.2020] 0.7.17 + added killlog + improved nade/knife hit registration + removed weapon menu dissapearing with move keys + added spawn armor glow indicator + fixed clones spawning issue + knife can go through obstacles + fixed knife stick angle + ctf_strike layout changed - flag and spawns moved + weapon balance for longer lasting fights and less bullet push (thx to iMPUcz) + Spas now has point blank enabled + MP5 has a larger clip + Dragunov RoF reduced + chainsaw damage increased + fixed MovementSpray (and added to dragunov, flak, barrett) + added kill info to console log [31.10.2020] 0.7.15 + added secondary: chainsaw + added halloween masks + added body damage blood/gore + more bloody blood splats + fixed 3 weapons change when carrying flag + faster and less bright screen flashes + added skin detail texture + added generic quick join button + increased quick join ping to 300 + [server] added game cycle shuffle + [server] fixed first map from cycle doesnt use condition + [server] new conditional default cycle with 4 gamemodes [22.10.2020] 0.7.14 + added maps ctf_strike, ctf_magpie + replaced ctf maps with dm version: dm_corazon, dm_regain + removed knife bouncing + nades less bouncy + rheinmetall, tec-9, kalash and minigun tweaks (iMPUcz/Numerite suggestions) + fixed cobra and generic lower terrain view obstructed + smoother camera zoom in/outs + less zoom out on spectator + lowered laos texture quality + fixed medkits on top of map + fixed potential respawn issue + fixed bots issues with getting stuck + fixed bots not using jets where appropriate + fixed some dumb bot pathing + fixed bots not crouching in low areas + bots now roll around + faster waypoint generation on map load + more optimized waypoint generation + fixed kill leaderboards issue [15.10.2020] 0.7.12 + added maps ctf_regain, ctf_corazon, ctb_gen_generic + nade - more speed and more arc (s1-like) + knife a bit more speed + explosion stun only if damage > 0.5 + fixed bots not shooting barrett + zoom in on death + added generic map scene (as placeholder) + ctf_division and dm_jumpkick use generic level + improved basecamp ceiling collider for bots + weekly top changed to all-time + added url for join (s2://[ip]:[port] eg. s2://56:32:21:21:33073) + [server] added commands: setteam, listplayers + [server] added webrcon support (http://www.webrcon.com) + [editor] fixed objects with non zero wont snap to 0 [03.10.2020] 0.7.9 + added new dm_katang + added above player chat texts + added self-explosion stuns (larger boosting velocity) + fixed respawn to spectator + better flag score effect + ctf/ctb matches time increased 8->10 mins + fixed not able to shoot after nade explodes in hands + spawn armor removes after player moves or shoots + added HUD notifier texts to console + fixed map editor crash on load map + fixed everyone in blue if autobalance off + [server] fixed incremental patches not working [02.10.2020] 0.7.7 + improved network smoothness + a bit more knife friction + a bit more red blood + fixed respawning issue + multiple kill buffer increased 1.5s->3s + removed help videos (also crash on some systems) + added dm_ash to dm cycle + fixed dropkick when running on ground + removed left to cap text + fixed opening browser on game start + fixed mouse cursor issues [30.09.2020] 0.7.6 + added ctb_gen_cobra + rearranged and scaled HUD + added CTB bases HUD + added cursor sensitivity settings + smaller CTF flag + added quick join gamemode multiplayer buttons + dragunov faster 0.43->0.35; clip lowered 8->6 + fixed balancing issue + fixed respawning issue + added max respawn time 10s + fixed bug reporter destroying chat + fixed popup buttons not working + added popup msg if servers downtime + removed stun sound + fixed player going out of map side bounds + weapons menu only closes after primary picked + removed basecamp weaponry button (temporarily) + autoservershutdown default to 24 + added rcon command: addmodifier [modifier]; removemodifier [modifier] [26.09.2020] 0.7.2 + added OneShot, SniperOnly and KnifeOnly modifier + fixed autobalance swithing alive player + removed stock music + twaeked respawn times + fixed some spawning issues + knife/nade has more friction + knife/grenade throw has a bit of an arc (s1-like) + grenade inherited velocity 0.5->1.0 (s1-like) + knife inherited velocity 0.5->0.0 (s1-like) + lowered volume of stun sound + fixed flag cap issues + nicer colors on dm_ash + ctb_gen_jarhead lowered max height + added network settings to client.json + fixed some net/lag issues + fixed players not assigned for player just joining + added Cycles/Custom directory + fixed non ascii characters in chat + added switch team button + fixed config wipe + backflip improved (normal jets during roll) + inherited velocity config in knife/nade not in gostek [24.09.2020] 0.7.1 + net/lag issue tweaks + fixed various issues after server disconnection + respawn only after weapon menu closed + dragunov shots to kill 2->3 + more force for jump up + tweaked jump side angle + a bit more jets + weapons menu shows up faster after death + better weapons menu hide handling + fixed possible respawning issues + fixed no message when joining max players server + connecting popup max time 3s + [dedi] added autoshutdownserverafterhours config + tweaked rolling animation + fixed gostek twitching on bike + fixed possible spawning issues + games list - default sort by players + lowered default main menu music volume + less respawn time in ctf with lots of players + added facebook social button [22.09.2020] 0.7.0 - STEAM EARLY ACCESS + fixed help keys displaying wrong keys + fixed random weapon all the time if not selected in weaponry + added dropkick sound + updated roadmap + removed debug slow time with ctrl+g (only in debug mode) + fixed netstats not reset on new scene + faster display of tutorial keys + fixed ping sorting in servers list [21.09.2020] 0.6.99 + fixed CTB bots stuck + fixed terms button + fixed autobalance issues in custom battle + added motorbike sound + fixed rolling sync issuies + fixed flag sync issues [20.09.2020] 0.6.98 + fixed bots aim + added terms after first login + fixed scrollbar in servers list + reenabled unity crash reporter + fixed family filter off still censoring chat + added tutorial caption on play button + [server] games cycle file is specified in autoconfig.ini now + [server] added server name to log [16.09.2020] 0.6.97 + netcode fixes + added gore and bloody soil 2020 music + added one man army game music + more angular drag on bodies + less time for notifier texts + notifier a bit lower + fixed generated ctf map respawn + fixed issue on tampered packet + horizontal speed more like s1 + fixed flag stays in place after drop + fixed respawning issues + fixed chat dissappering on weaponry + better disconnect/exit handling + disabled throwing nade and shooting at the same time [15.09.2020] 0.6.93 + added dropkick + bullet damage based on speed of bullet + bullet damages adjusted to new speed-based damage + bit more damp over distance to bullets + fixed gostek over2 gostek collisions + added +10 score when capture flag + fixed chat opening during bug report + removed auto-shutdown server + better visiblity for hit markers + new colors for ctf_division + removed cursor health display for enemies [11.09.2020] 0.6.90 + added exact damage indicators + tweaked throw knife forces to resemble s1 + modified grenade throw position above head + removed disabling entire backgrounds in lo-fi mode + removed force background option + added background dim option + added weapons can be selected with keys + fixed team players health not showing when mouse hover + removed no sniper line if muzzle collided + fixed weapons not showing after already selected and pressed B + cursor can't get so large + synced weapon throw start pos + can hold throw weapon without throwing + fixed emote menu staying after weaponry shows + fixed idle animations + fixed smoke command + improved map backgrounds visiblity + disabled unity crash reporter // MULTIPLAYER BETA PATCHES - NO LOGS [23.06.2020] 0.6.30 - DEMO PATCH + faster nade throwing + fixed issue with rapid nade throwing + configs can be configured in game menu + faster ladder climbing + gravity -15.5 -> -16.5 + fixed patrons list in certain resolutions + added better patron explanation + fixed flag pickup glitches + kill cam shows only players [19.06.2020] 0.6.28 - DEMO PATCH + active patrons are immortalized in in-game credits + sniper line indicates fire interval + tec-9 slower and heavier bullets + m79 bullet more gravity + added flag throw + added weapon menu after warmup + fixed flag not returning after warmup + 4 players required for ctf + fixed barrier not killing bots + fixed patrons list not showing patrons + using persistent data path if base not possible + updated roadmap + added THD splash screen + global damage scale 0.75 -> 0.9 + fixed flag pickup issues + added barrett and flakcannon icons + improved superman jet anims + added hq radial menu background + fixed save preset button + fixed bullets not dissapearing + fixed flag simulating when ESC + fixed autoupdater removing user files [17.06.2020] 0.6.27 - DEMO HOTFIX + fixed startup/locale issues [16.06.2020] 0.6.25 - DEMO HOTFIX + removed steam authentication for demo + fixed patrons list aligment in 21:9 [16.06.2020] 0.6.24 - DEMO PATCH (Steam Game Festival) + added Capture the flag + added ctf_cobra + added weapon Barrett + added weapon Tec-9 + added weapon Flak Cannon + reworked fogs on all maps + improved jump anims + gostek help uses proper input + added song "Necromancide" + core settings damage scale 1.0->0.75 + more visible settings fonts and buttons + input saved to client.json + added patreon contributors list in credits + improved roll forces and roll animations + makarov slower fire rate + nade damage 1.1->0.9 + revamped gamemode thumbnails + added limb stubs and better splats + better stun drag and animation + custom battle / main menu alignment fixes + more speed needed for superman stun + less gloss on soldier skin + weapons have bigger pickup triggers + added weapons collision sound and effects + slower weapon change + improved air run animations + more crunch on gun and explosion sounds + fixed spas pellet sound + fixed shell sounds + larger weapon lights + new direction arrow + fixed makarov grip + fixed aim angle when firing + improved prone look up animation + smoother stun transitions + better colors on rheinmetall + bot paths improvements + fixed bots teams messed up in custom battle + settings can scale weapon light + fixed weapon pickups glitch when many weapons + impact angles fixed + fixed bullets not hitting hitbox [23.04.2020] 0.5.45 - DEMO HOTFIX + jumps forces tweak + less wall jump force + jump anims tweak + global weapon kick back 0.9->0.6 + fixed discord required to open [22.04.2020] 0.5.43 - DEMO HOTFIX + added Discord integration + fixes autopatcher + fixed in-game popup not closing [22.04.2020] 0.5.40 - DEMO PATCH + s1-like backflip and rolls + s1-like jets + s1-like crouch speed + s1-like explosion forces + minimized stun time + superman button works as toggle or hold + superman can go thru platforms + disabled enemy collisions by default + a bit faster m79 bullet + wider more visible bullets + added aspect ratios support including 21:9 + disabled dynamic zoom + new gradient skies + Laos and Nevada scenes improved + multiple generator additions and fixes + added in-game resolution change + added in-game input config + added sniper line toggle + added ragdolls client setting + added gif recording to graphic settings + removed decals by default + camera bounds adjusted + added sharpen fullscreen filter + bots better air waypoint handling + non-ragdolls don't slide and timeout faster + better tutorial key blinking + help key is now F11 + smoother cam transition on bullet time + added quit button + added spectator tilt variable + fixed punch + ragdoll can fall into foreground + removed game launcher + fixed spas available in OMA at start + demo ends after 2nd map [27.03.2020] 0.5.38 - DEMO PATCH + superman button is a toggle + inverted superman + added x assecondary key for superman + "eternal" weapon swapping [27.03.2020] 0.5.37 - DEMO PATCH + superman button resembles s1 prone + superman + jets aims at cursor direction + more visible tutorial + ESC for cancelling + improved gif recording offset + more vertical boost from backflip [26.03.2020] 0.5.36 - PUBLIC DEMO RELEASE [23.03.2020] 0.5.33 - TEST DEMO RELEASE